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This will help you getting started with ChatCohere chat models. For detailed documentation of all ChatCohere features and configurations head to the API reference.


Integration details

ClassPackageLocalSerializablePY supportPackage downloadsPackage latest
ChatCohere@langchain/coherebetaNPM - DownloadsNPM - Version

Model features

Tool callingStructured outputJSON modeImage inputAudio inputVideo inputToken-level streamingToken usageLogprobs


In order to use the LangChain.js Cohere integration you’ll need an API key. You can sign up for a Cohere account and create an API key here.

You’ll first need to install the @langchain/cohere package.


Head to Cohere’s website to sign up to Cohere and generate an API key. Once you’ve done this set the COHERE_API_KEY environment variable:

export COHERE_API_KEY="your-api-key"

If you want to get automated tracing of your model calls you can also set your LangSmith API key by uncommenting below:

# export LANGCHAIN_TRACING_V2="true"
# export LANGCHAIN_API_KEY="your-api-key"


The LangChain ChatCohere integration lives in the @langchain/cohere package:

yarn add @langchain/cohere


Now we can instantiate our model object and generate chat completions:

import { ChatCohere } from "@langchain/cohere";

const llm = new ChatCohere({
model: "command-r-plus",
temperature: 0,
maxRetries: 2,
// other params...


const aiMsg = await llm.invoke([
"You are a helpful assistant that translates English to French. Translate the user sentence.",
["human", "I love programming."],
AIMessage {
"content": "J'adore programmer.",
"additional_kwargs": {
"response_id": "0056057a-6075-4436-b75a-b9455ac39f74",
"generationId": "3a0985db-92ff-41d8-b6b9-b7b77e300f3b",
"chatHistory": [
"role": "SYSTEM",
"message": "You are a helpful assistant that translates English to French. Translate the user sentence."
"role": "USER",
"message": "I love programming."
"role": "CHATBOT",
"message": "J'adore programmer."
"finishReason": "COMPLETE",
"meta": {
"apiVersion": {
"version": "1"
"billedUnits": {
"inputTokens": 20,
"outputTokens": 5
"tokens": {
"inputTokens": 89,
"outputTokens": 5
"response_metadata": {
"estimatedTokenUsage": {
"completionTokens": 5,
"promptTokens": 89,
"totalTokens": 94
"response_id": "0056057a-6075-4436-b75a-b9455ac39f74",
"generationId": "3a0985db-92ff-41d8-b6b9-b7b77e300f3b",
"chatHistory": [
"role": "SYSTEM",
"message": "You are a helpful assistant that translates English to French. Translate the user sentence."
"role": "USER",
"message": "I love programming."
"role": "CHATBOT",
"message": "J'adore programmer."
"finishReason": "COMPLETE",
"meta": {
"apiVersion": {
"version": "1"
"billedUnits": {
"inputTokens": 20,
"outputTokens": 5
"tokens": {
"inputTokens": 89,
"outputTokens": 5
"tool_calls": [],
"invalid_tool_calls": [],
"usage_metadata": {
"input_tokens": 89,
"output_tokens": 5,
"total_tokens": 94
J'adore programmer.


We can chain our model with a prompt template like so:

import { ChatPromptTemplate } from "@langchain/core/prompts";

const prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.fromMessages([
"You are a helpful assistant that translates {input_language} to {output_language}.",
["human", "{input}"],

const chain = prompt.pipe(llm);
await chain.invoke({
input_language: "English",
output_language: "German",
input: "I love programming.",
AIMessage {
"content": "Ich liebe Programmieren.",
"additional_kwargs": {
"response_id": "271e1439-7220-40fa-953d-c9f2947e451a",
"generationId": "f99970a4-7b1c-4d76-a73a-4467a1db759c",
"chatHistory": [
"role": "SYSTEM",
"message": "You are a helpful assistant that translates English to German."
"role": "USER",
"message": "I love programming."
"role": "CHATBOT",
"message": "Ich liebe Programmieren."
"finishReason": "COMPLETE",
"meta": {
"apiVersion": {
"version": "1"
"billedUnits": {
"inputTokens": 15,
"outputTokens": 6
"tokens": {
"inputTokens": 84,
"outputTokens": 6
"response_metadata": {
"estimatedTokenUsage": {
"completionTokens": 6,
"promptTokens": 84,
"totalTokens": 90
"response_id": "271e1439-7220-40fa-953d-c9f2947e451a",
"generationId": "f99970a4-7b1c-4d76-a73a-4467a1db759c",
"chatHistory": [
"role": "SYSTEM",
"message": "You are a helpful assistant that translates English to German."
"role": "USER",
"message": "I love programming."
"role": "CHATBOT",
"message": "Ich liebe Programmieren."
"finishReason": "COMPLETE",
"meta": {
"apiVersion": {
"version": "1"
"billedUnits": {
"inputTokens": 15,
"outputTokens": 6
"tokens": {
"inputTokens": 84,
"outputTokens": 6
"tool_calls": [],
"invalid_tool_calls": [],
"usage_metadata": {
"input_tokens": 84,
"output_tokens": 6,
"total_tokens": 90


Cohere’s API also supports streaming token responses. The example below demonstrates how to use this feature.

import { ChatCohere } from "@langchain/cohere";
import { ChatPromptTemplate } from "@langchain/core/prompts";
import { StringOutputParser } from "@langchain/core/output_parsers";

const model = new ChatCohere({
apiKey: process.env.COHERE_API_KEY, // Default
const prompt2 = ChatPromptTemplate.fromMessages([
["ai", "You are a helpful assistant"],
["human", "{input}"],
const outputParser = new StringOutputParser();
const chain2 = prompt2.pipe(model).pipe(outputParser);
const response1 = await{
input: "Why is the sky blue? Be concise with your answer.",
let streamTokens = "";
let streamIters = 0;
for await (const item of response1) {
streamTokens += item;
streamIters += 1;
console.log("stream tokens:", streamTokens);
console.log("stream iters:", streamIters);
stream tokens: The sky appears blue to human observers because blue light from the sun is scattered in all directions by the gases and particles in the Earth's atmosphere. This process is called Rayleigh scattering.
stream iters: 38


The Cohere API supports tool calling, along with multi-hop-tool calling. The following example demonstrates how to call tools:

import { ChatCohere } from "@langchain/cohere";
import { HumanMessage } from "@langchain/core/messages";
import { z } from "zod";
import { tool } from "@langchain/core/tools";

const model2 = new ChatCohere({
apiKey: process.env.COHERE_API_KEY, // Default

const magicFunctionTool = tool(
async ({ num }) => {
return `The magic function of ${num} is ${num + 5}`;
name: "magic_function",
description: "Apply a magic function to the input number",
schema: z.object({
num: z.number().describe("The number to apply the magic function for"),

const tools2 = [magicFunctionTool];
const modelWithTools2 = model2.bindTools(tools2);

const messages2 = [new HumanMessage("What is the magic function of number 5?")];
const response2 = await modelWithTools2.invoke(messages2);

AIMessage {
"content": "I will use the magic_function tool to answer this question.",
"additional_kwargs": {
"response_id": "305f4062-e0d3-42f5-ac22-c7c24f31a937",
"generationId": "971b0692-247d-4807-8311-6e5fa3d5c199",
"chatHistory": [
"role": "USER",
"message": "What is the magic function of number 5?"
"role": "CHATBOT",
"message": "I will use the magic_function tool to answer this question.",
"toolCalls": "[Array]"
"finishReason": "COMPLETE",
"meta": {
"apiVersion": {
"version": "1"
"billedUnits": {
"inputTokens": 30,
"outputTokens": 21
"tokens": {
"inputTokens": 904,
"outputTokens": 54
"toolCalls": [
"id": "0ddf3db0-b709-4bb3-acaa-3ded09d4",
"function": "[Object]",
"type": "function"
"response_metadata": {
"estimatedTokenUsage": {
"completionTokens": 54,
"promptTokens": 904,
"totalTokens": 958
"response_id": "305f4062-e0d3-42f5-ac22-c7c24f31a937",
"generationId": "971b0692-247d-4807-8311-6e5fa3d5c199",
"chatHistory": [
"role": "USER",
"message": "What is the magic function of number 5?"
"role": "CHATBOT",
"message": "I will use the magic_function tool to answer this question.",
"toolCalls": "[Array]"
"finishReason": "COMPLETE",
"meta": {
"apiVersion": {
"version": "1"
"billedUnits": {
"inputTokens": 30,
"outputTokens": 21
"tokens": {
"inputTokens": 904,
"outputTokens": 54
"toolCalls": [
"id": "0ddf3db0-b709-4bb3-acaa-3ded09d4",
"function": "[Object]",
"type": "function"
"tool_calls": [
"name": "magic_function",
"args": {
"num": 5
"id": "0ddf3db0-b709-4bb3-acaa-3ded09d4",
"type": "tool_call"
"invalid_tool_calls": [],
"usage_metadata": {
"input_tokens": 904,
"output_tokens": 54,
"total_tokens": 958


Cohere also comes out of the box with RAG support. You can pass in documents as context to the API request and Cohere’s models will use them when generating responses.

import { ChatCohere } from "@langchain/cohere";
import { HumanMessage } from "@langchain/core/messages";

const model3 = new ChatCohere({
apiKey: process.env.COHERE_API_KEY, // Default

const documents = [
title: "Harrison's work",
snippet: "Harrison worked at Kensho as an engineer.",
title: "Harrison's work duration",
snippet: "Harrison worked at Kensho for 3 years.",
title: "Polar berars in the Appalachian Mountains",
"Polar bears have surprisingly adapted to the Appalachian Mountains, thriving in the diverse, forested terrain despite their traditional arctic habitat. This unique situation has sparked significant interest and study in climate adaptability and wildlife behavior.",

const response3 = await model3.invoke(
[new HumanMessage("Where did Harrison work and for how long?")],
console.log("response: ", response3.content);
response:  Harrison worked at Kensho as an engineer for 3 years.


The API also allows for other connections which are not static documents. An example of this is their web-search connector which allows you to pass in a query and the API will search the web for relevant documents. The example below demonstrates how to use this feature.

import { ChatCohere } from "@langchain/cohere";
import { HumanMessage } from "@langchain/core/messages";

const model4 = new ChatCohere({
apiKey: process.env.COHERE_API_KEY, // Default

const response4 = await model4.invoke(
[new HumanMessage("How tall are the largest pengiuns?")],
connectors: [{ id: "web-search" }],
console.dir(response4, { depth: null });
AIMessage {
lc_serializable: true,
lc_kwargs: {
content: 'The largest extant penguin species is the emperor penguin, which grows to about 4 feet tall and weighs around 100 pounds. However, the largest penguin species ever discovered is the extinct colossus penguin (Palaeeudyptes klekowskii), which stood at 6 feet 8 inches tall and weighed 250 pounds.',
additional_kwargs: {
response_id: '393d8add-428b-46e2-bd13-7dece17e3dfb',
generationId: 'ed39f48b-f158-4dd1-8e9d-1b2b94bc41ea',
chatHistory: [
{ role: 'USER', message: 'How tall are the largest pengiuns?' },
role: 'CHATBOT',
message: 'The largest extant penguin species is the emperor penguin, which grows to about 4 feet tall and weighs around 100 pounds. However, the largest penguin species ever discovered is the extinct colossus penguin (Palaeeudyptes klekowskii), which stood at 6 feet 8 inches tall and weighed 250 pounds.'
finishReason: 'COMPLETE',
meta: {
apiVersion: { version: '1' },
billedUnits: { inputTokens: 13093, outputTokens: 72 },
tokens: { inputTokens: 13813, outputTokens: 342 }
citations: [
start: 42,
end: 57,
text: 'emperor penguin',
documentIds: [
start: 80,
end: 91,
text: '4 feet tall',
documentIds: [ 'web-search_1', 'web-search_2', 'web-search_5' ]
start: 103,
end: 121,
text: 'around 100 pounds.',
documentIds: [
start: 182,
end: 189,
text: 'extinct',
documentIds: [ 'web-search_1', 'web-search_2', 'web-search_5' ]
start: 190,
end: 206,
text: 'colossus penguin',
documentIds: [
start: 207,
end: 233,
text: '(Palaeeudyptes klekowskii)',
documentIds: [ 'web-search_1', 'web-search_4', 'web-search_5' ]
start: 250,
end: 270,
text: '6 feet 8 inches tall',
documentIds: [ 'web-search_1', 'web-search_5' ]
start: 283,
end: 294,
text: '250 pounds.',
documentIds: [ 'web-search_1', 'web-search_5' ]
documents: [
id: 'web-search_0',
snippet: 'The emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) is the tallest and heaviest of all living penguin species and is endemic to Antarctica. The male and female are similar in plumage and size, reaching 100 cm (39 in) in length and weighing from 22 to 45 kg (49 to 99 lb). Feathers of the head and back are black and sharply delineated from the white belly, pale-yellow breast and bright-yellow ear patches.\n' +
'\n' +
'Like all penguins, it is flightless, with a streamlined body, and wings stiffened and flattened into flippers for a marine habitat. Its diet consists primarily of fish, but also includes crustaceans, such as krill, and cephalopods, such as squid. While hunting, the species can remain submerged around 20 minutes, diving to a depth of 535 m (1,755 ft). It has several adaptations to facilitate this, including an unusually structured haemoglobin to allow it to function at low oxygen levels, solid bones to reduce barotrauma, and the ability to reduce its metabolism and shut down non-essential organ functions.\n' +
'\n' +
'The only penguin species that breeds during the Antarctic winter, emperor penguins trek 50–120 km (31–75 mi) over the ice to breeding colonies which can contain up to several thousand individuals. The female lays a single egg, which is incubated for just over two months by the male while the female returns to the sea to feed; parents subsequently take turns foraging at sea and caring for their chick in the colony. The lifespan is typically 20 years in the wild, although observations suggest that some individuals may live to 50 years of age.\n' +
'\n' +
'Emperor penguins were described in 1844 by English zoologist George Robert Gray, who created the generic name from Ancient Greek word elements, ἀ-πτηνο-δύτης [a-ptēno-dytēs], "without-wings-diver". Its specific name is in honour of the German naturalist Johann Reinhold Forster, who accompanied Captain James Cook on his second voyage and officially named five other penguin species. Forster may have been the first person to see the penguins in 1773–74, when he recorded a sighting of what he believed was the similar king penguin (A. patagonicus) but given the location, may very well have been A. forsteri.\n' +
'\n' +
"Together with the king penguin, the emperor penguin is one of two extant species in the genus Aptenodytes. Fossil evidence of a third species—Ridgen's penguin (A. ridgeni)—has been found in fossil records from the late Pliocene, about three million years ago, in New Zealand. Studies of penguin behaviour and genetics have proposed that the genus Aptenodytes is basal; in other words, that it split off from a branch which led to all other living penguin species. Mitochondrial and nuclear DNA evidence suggests this split occurred around 40 million years ago.\n" +
'\n' +
'Adult emperor penguins are 110–120 cm (43–47 in) in length, averaging 115 centimetres (45 in) according to Stonehouse (1975). Due to method of bird measurement that measures length between bill to tail, sometimes body length and standing height are confused, and some reported height even reaching 1.5 metres (4.9 ft) tall. There are still more than a few papers mentioning that they reach a standing height of 1.2 metres (3.9 ft) instead of body length. Although standing height of emperor penguin is rarely provided at scientific reports, Prévost (1961) recorded 86 wild individuals and measured maximum height of 1.08 metres (3.5 ft). Friedman (1945) recorded measurements from 22 wild individuals and resulted height ranging 83–97 cm (33–38 in). Ksepka et al. (2012) measured standing height of 81–94 cm (32–37 in) according to 11 complete skins collected in American Museum of Natural History. The weight ranges from 22.7 to 45.4 kg (50 to 100 lb) and varies by sex, with males weighing more than females. It is the fifth heaviest living bird species, after only the larger varieties of ratite. The weight also varies by season, as both male and female penguins lose substantial mass while raising hatchlings and incubating their egg. A male emperor penguin must withstand the extreme Antarctic winter cold for more than two months while protecting his egg. He eats nothing during this time. Most male emperors will lose around 12 kg (26 lb) while they wait for their eggs to hatch. The mean weight of males at the start of the breeding season is 38 kg (84 lb) and that of females is 29.5 kg (65 lb). After the breeding season this drops to 23 kg (51 lb) for both sexes.\n' +
'\n' +
'Like all penguin species, emperor penguins have streamlined bodies to minimize drag while swimming, and wings that are more like stiff, flat flippers. The tongue is equipped with rear-facing barbs to prevent prey from escaping when caught. Males and females are similar in size and colouration. The adult has deep black dorsal feathers, covering the head, chin, throat, back, dorsal part of the flippers, and tail. The black plumage is sharply delineated from the light-coloured plumage elsewhere. The underparts of the wings and belly are white, becoming pale yellow in the upper breast, while the ear patches are bright yellow. The upper mandible of the 8 cm (3 in) long bill is black, and the lower mandible can be pink, orange or lilac. In juveniles, the auricular patches, chin and throat are white, while its bill is black. Emperor penguin chicks are typically covered with silver-grey down and have black heads and white masks. A chick with all-white plumage was seen in 2001, but was not considered to be an albino as it did not have pink eyes. Chicks weigh around 315 g (11 oz) after hatching, and fledge when they reach about 50% of adult weight.\n' +
'\n' +
"The emperor penguin's dark plumage fades to brown from November until February (the Antarctic summer), before the yearly moult in January and February. Moulting is rapid in this species compared with other birds, taking only around 34 days. Emperor penguin feathers emerge from the skin after they have grown to a third of their total length, and before old feathers are lost, to help reduce heat loss. New feathers then push out the old ones before finishing their growth.\n" +
'\n' +
'The average yearly survival rate of an adult emperor penguin has been measured at 95.1%, with an average life expectancy of 19.9 years. The same researchers estimated that 1% of emperor penguins hatched could feasibly reach an age of 50 years. In contrast, only 19% of chicks survive their first year of life. Therefore, 80% of the emperor penguin population comprises adults five years and older.\n' +
'\n' +
'As the species has no fixed nest sites that individuals can use to locate their own partner or chick, emperor penguins must rely on vocal calls alone for identification. They use a complex set of calls that are critical to individual recognition between parents, offspring and mates, displaying the widest variation in individual calls of all penguins. Vocalizing emperor penguins use two frequency bands simultaneously. Chicks use a frequency-modulated whistle to beg for food and to contact parents.\n' +
'\n' +
"The emperor penguin breeds in the coldest environment of any bird species; air temperatures may reach −40 °C (−40 °F), and wind speeds may reach 144 km/h (89 mph). Water temperature is a frigid −1.8 °C (28.8 °F), which is much lower than the emperor penguin's average body temperature of 39 °C (102 °F). The species has adapted in several ways to counteract heat loss. Dense feathers provide 80–90% of its insulation and it has a layer of sub-dermal fat which may be up to 3 cm (1.2 in) thick before breeding. While the density of contour feathers is approximately 9 per square centimetre (58 per square inch), a combination of dense afterfeathers and down feathers (plumules) likely play a critical role for insulation. Muscles allow the feathers to be held erect on land, reducing heat loss by trapping a layer of air next to the skin. Conversely, the plumage is flattened in water, thus waterproofing the skin and the downy underlayer. Preening is vital in facilitating insulation and in keeping the plumage oily and water-repellent.\n" +
'\n' +
'The emperor penguin is able to thermoregulate (maintain its core body temperature) without altering its metabolism, over a wide range of temperatures. Known as the thermoneutral range, this extends from −10 to 20 °C (14 to 68 °F). Below this temperature range, its metabolic rate increases significantly, although an individual can maintain its core temperature from 38.0 °C (100.4 °F) down to −47 °C (−53 °F). Movement by swimming, walking, and shivering are three mechanisms for increasing metabolism; a fourth process involves an increase in the breakdown of fats by enzymes, which is induced by the hormone glucagon. At temperatures above 20 °C (68 °F), an emperor penguin may become agitated as its body temperature and metabolic rate rise to increase heat loss. Raising its wings and exposing the undersides increases the exposure of its body surface to the air by 16%, facilitating further heat loss.\n' +
'\n' +
'Adaptations to pressure and low oxygen\n' +
'\n' +
'In addition to the cold, the emperor penguin encounters another stressful condition on deep dives—markedly increased pressure of up to 40 times that of the surface, which in most other terrestrial organisms would cause barotrauma. The bones of the penguin are solid rather than air-filled, which eliminates the risk of mechanical barotrauma.\n' +
'\n' +
"While diving, the emperor penguin's oxygen use is markedly reduced, as its heart rate is reduced to as low as 15–20 beats per minute and non-essential organs are shut down, thus facilitating longer dives. Its haemoglobin and myoglobin are able to bind and transport oxygen at low blood concentrations; this allows the bird to function with very low oxygen levels that would otherwise result in loss of consciousness.\n" +
'\n' +
'Distribution and habitat\n' +
'\n' +
'The emperor penguin has a circumpolar distribution in the Antarctic almost exclusively between the 66° and 77° south latitudes. It almost always breeds on stable pack ice near the coast and up to 18 km (11 mi) offshore. Breeding colonies are usually in areas where ice cliffs and i'... 22063 more characters,
timestamp: '2024-07-30T03:42:59',
title: 'Emperor penguin - Wikipedia',
url: ''
id: 'web-search_1',
snippet: 'Sustainability for All.\n' +
'\n' +
'Giant 6-Foot-8 Penguin Discovered in Antarctica\n' +
'\n' +
'University of Houston\n' +
'\n' +
'Bryan Nelson is a science writer and award-winning documentary filmmaker with over a decade of experience covering technology, astronomy, medicine, animals, and more.\n' +
'\n' +
'Learn about our editorial process\n' +
'\n' +
'Updated May 9, 2020 10:30AM EDT\n' +
'\n' +
"Modern emperor penguins are certainly statuesque, but not quite as impressive as the 'colossus penguin' would have been. . Christopher Michel/flickr\n" +
'\n' +
'The largest penguin species ever discovered has been unearthed in Antarctica, and its size is almost incomprehensible. Standing at 6 foot 8 inches from toe to beak tip, the mountainous bird would have dwarfed most adult humans, reports the Guardian.\n' +
'\n' +
'In fact, if it were alive today the penguin could have looked basketball superstar LeBron James square in the eyes.\n' +
'\n' +
"Fossils Provide Clues to the Bird's Size\n" +
'\n' +
`The bird's 37-million-year-old fossilized remains, which include the longest recorded fused ankle-foot bone as well as parts of the animal's wing bone, represent the most complete fossil ever uncovered in the Antarctic. Appropriately dubbed the "colossus penguin," Palaeeudyptes klekowskii was truly the Godzilla of aquatic birds.\n` +
'\n' +
`Scientists calculated the penguin's dimensions by scaling the sizes of its bones against those of modern penguin species. They estimate that the bird probably would have weighed about 250 pounds — again, roughly comparable to LeBron James. By comparison, the largest species of penguin alive today, the emperor penguin, is "only" about 4 feet tall and can weigh as much as 100 pounds.\n` +
'\n' +
'Interestingly, because larger bodied penguins can hold their breath for longer, the colossus penguin probably could have stayed underwater for 40 minutes or more. It boggles the mind to imagine the kinds of huge, deep sea fish this mammoth bird might have been capable of hunting.\n' +
'\n' +
"The fossil was found at the La Meseta formation on Seymour Island, an island in a chain of 16 major islands around the tip of the Graham Land on the Antarctic Peninsula. (It's the region that is the closest part of Antarctica to South America.) The area is known for its abundance of penguin bones, though in prehistoric times it would have been much warmer than it is today.\n" +
'\n' +
"P. klekowskii towers over the next largest penguin ever discovered, a 5-foot-tall bird that lived about 36 million years ago in Peru. Since these two species were near contemporaries, it's fun to imagine a time between 35 and 40 million years ago when giant penguins walked the Earth, and perhaps swam alongside the ancestors of whales.\n" +
'\n' +
'10 of the Largest Living Sea Creatures\n' +
'\n' +
'11 Facts About Blue Whales, the Largest Animals Ever on Earth\n' +
'\n' +
'16 Ocean Creatures That Live in Total Darkness\n' +
'\n' +
'National Monuments Designated By President Obama\n' +
'\n' +
'20 Pygmy Animal Species From Around the World\n' +
'\n' +
'School Kids Discover New Penguin Species in New Zealand\n' +
'\n' +
'16 of the Most Surreal Landscapes on Earth\n' +
'\n' +
'12 Peculiar Penguin Facts\n' +
'\n' +
"10 Amazing Hoodoos Around the World and How They're Formed\n" +
'\n' +
'8 Titanic Facts About Patagotitans\n' +
'\n' +
'9 Extinct Megafauna That Are Out of This World\n' +
'\n' +
'10 Places Where Penguins Live in the Wild\n' +
'\n' +
'16 Animals That Are Living Fossils\n' +
'\n' +
'A Timeline of the Distant Future for Life on Earth\n' +
'\n' +
'12 Animals That May Have Inspired Mythical Creatures\n' +
'\n' +
'12 Dinosaur Theme Parks\n' +
'\n' +
'By clicking “Accept All Cookies”, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts.\n' +
'\n' +
'Cookies Settings Accept All Cookies',
timestamp: '2024-07-27T06:29:15',
title: 'Giant 6-Foot-8 Penguin Discovered in Antarctica',
url: ''
id: 'web-search_2',
snippet: 'The 10 Largest Penguins In The World\n' +
'\n' +
'© Mike Korostelev/\n' +
'\n' +
'Written by Hannah Ward\n' +
'\n' +
'Updated: June 22, 2023\n' +
'\n' +
'How to Add Us to Google News\n' +
'\n' +
'Sending You to Google News in 3\n' +
'\n' +
'Penguins are well known for their distinctive walk and black and white markings and these flightless birds are loved worldwide, but what is the largest penguin in the world? Found predominantly in the Southern Hemisphere, there are currently 18 species of penguin left in the world, with 11 of them classified as being under threat. Although penguins nowadays are smaller than their now-extinct species once were (more on that below!), there are certainly still some large ones. Here are the 10 largest species of penguin by height.\n' +
'\n' +
'Read on to learn more about these fascinating birds!\n' +
'\n' +
'#10: African Penguin\n' +
'\n' +
'An African penguin off the coast of South\n' +
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'©Dick Daniels (, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons – Original / License\n' +
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'You could easily be forgiven for not associating Africa with penguins, but there is indeed an African penguin which is found along the coast of South Africa and comes in at number ten with a height of 26.5 to 27.5 inches. Also sometimes known as the jackass penguin, these birds make a sound much like that of a donkey braying. They are easily distinguished by the pink markings above their eyes which are actually glands that they use to help them regulate their body temperature. They also have a horseshoe-shaped black marking on the underside of their chest. Sadly, they are under threat for several reasons – threats from predators, localized fishing which has resulted in them having to search further afield for food, and oil spills which have significantly harmed their numbers – and they are now classed as an endangered species on the IUCN red list.\n' +
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'#9: Humboldt Penguin\n' +
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'Two Humboldt penguins\n' +
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'©TimVickers / Creative Commons – Original\n' +
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'The Humboldt penguin has a similar appearance to the African penguin, having the same horseshoe-shaped black mark on their chest, but they are slightly larger with a height of 28 inches. They are endemic to South America and are often found in Chile and Peru. Their preferred habitat is rocky shorelines and caves where they like to build their nests during the March to December breeding season. The Humboldt penguin feeds mainly on fish, although some colonies of them are known to eat squid and crabs. Due to industrialization and mining as well as predators such as rats eating their eggs, the population is declining and they are now officially a vulnerable species.\n' +
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'#8: Macaroni Penguin\n' +
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'with a distinctive orange crest\n' +
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'©Jerzy Strzelecki / Creative Commons – Original / License\n' +
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'The Macaroni penguin stands at a height of around 28 inches and is found in the Falklands Islands, Chile, and a range of islands around Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. They are a crested penguin and have a yellow or orange crest on their head and a large orange beak. The macaroni penguin is a migratory bird that can be found on rocky cliffs next to the sea during breeding season from October to April and then spend the next six months in the open sea, often travelling as far as the Indian ocean. Although there was once a healthy, thriving population, their numbers have declined in recent years and they are now classed as being vulnerable.\n' +
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'#7: Magellanic Penguin\n' +
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'Magellanic Penguin at the nest\n' +
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'©David / Creative Commons – Original\n' +
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'The Magellanic penguin stands between 24 and 30 inches tall and is found in Argentina, Chile, and the Falklands Islands. They are closely related to both the African penguin and the Humboldt penguin and they have the same horseshoe-shaped band on their chest, although the Magellanic penguin also has a black band around the top of their head as well. Unlike some other species of penguin, the Magellanic penguin mates for life and nest in the exact same place each year, which is usually in places where there is plenty of vegetation to provide shelter. They head out into the sea once breeding season has ended, just like the Macaroni penguin and can often travel thousands of miles before returning to nest again the following year.\n' +
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'Royal Penguin walking on the sand\n' +
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'©M. Murphy – Public Domain\n' +
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'The royal penguin is the largest of the crested penguins and stands 26-30 inches tall and can weigh up to 18 pounds. Royal penguins have a striking yellow and black crest and a white face with a white belly and chest and a black back and flippers. They are endemic to Macquarie Island in Australia which is where the majority of them nest, but some can be found on the surrounding islands. Although they lay two eggs, usually only one of them hatches. Royal penguins prefer to live on beaches or bare areas near the sea and they feed on small fish and squid.\n' +
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'#5: Yellow-Eyed Penguin\n' +
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'The Yellow-eyed Penguin Megadyptes antipodes or Hoiho is a rare penguin native to New Zealand\n' +
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'©Anders Peter Photography/\n' +
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'The yellow-eyed penguin stands 24-31 inches tall and is endemic to New Zealand. They are easily recognizable as they have yellow eyes, hence the name, and a pale yellow band which goes from their eyes around the back of their heads and the rest of their head is usually dark brown rather than black. Yellow-eyed penguins can be quite a fussy penguin as they have a habit of not nesting within sight of another pair, although they do mate for life and both the male and female share the duties of sitting on the eggs during the incubation period, and of looking after the chicks once they have hatched. Unfortunately, the yellow-eyed penguin is at risk from an unknown disease which has affected chicks in colonies in several different areas, and as such they are now an endangered species.\n' +
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'#4: Chinstrap Penguin\n' +
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'Chinstrap Penguin with chicks\n' +
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'©US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration / Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons – Original / License\n' +
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'The chinstrap penguin is widespread across Antarctica, the Falklands Islands, Chile, Argentina, and other surrounding islands. They usually reach 28-31 inches and have a distinctive appearance with the top of their head being black and the rest of it being white but with a thin black band going underneath their chin which is where they get their name from. They build their nests with stones and the eggs are hatched by both parents. Chinstrap penguins often swim around 50 miles per day when hunting, but they are often at risk both on the land and the sea from predators. Their main predators are leopard seals and large seabirds such as skuas and the southern giant petrel. However, despite this, their population remains healthy and is not under threat.\n' +
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'A Gentoo penguin in the sea\n' +
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'©Jerzy Strzelecki, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons – Original / License\n' +
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'The Gentoo penguin can reach a maximum height of 35 inches, although the average is around 31 inches. They are found predominantly in Antarctica, the Falklands Islands, and South Georgia. Gentoo penguins have a black head with a white stripe across it, which makes them easily recognizable from other species of penguin. They make their nests in piles of stones and they can be extremely territorial over them, with fierce fights often breaking out between males. Although other large seabirds often prey on the eggs and chicks, healthy adults have no predators on land, but killer whales and seals pose a threat to them while they are on the water.\n' +
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'King penguins walking on a beach\n' +
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'©Phil West/\n' +
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'Reaching the second spot on our list is the king penguin, which can grow to be 33-37 inches tall, can weigh 40 pounds, and is found in Antarctica, South Georgia, and the surrounding islands. As well as the traditional penguin markings of a black back and white underside, they have a black head with orange patches on each side and an orange marking on their upper chest area which gives them a stunning appearance. King penguins are able swimmers and can dive to depths over 200 feet when hunting for small fish and squid. The species are particularly unique as their eggs are pear-shaped and they don’t build nests, instead, king penguins carry the eggs around on their feet and incubate them in a pouch. Although overfishing threatens their food source, king penguins aren’t considered to be under any threat and the population remains healthy.\n' +
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'Emperor Penguins with a chick. The black and white “tuxedo” look donned by most penguin species is a clever camouflage called countershading.\n' +
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'©vladsilver/\n' +
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'The largest penguin in the world is the emperor penguin. Standing at 45 inches, these giants can even weigh up to 100 pounds. They are quite similar in appearance to the king penguin but have pale yellow markings on their upper chest and head instead of orange. Emperor penguins are endemic to Antarctica and they breed during the harsh winter. During this time the male penguin incubates the egg on his feet and doesn’t eat at all for the entire 65 to 75 days it takes for it to hatch. Emperor penguins commonly huddle together for warmth as they endure the harsh conditions that they endure, with youngsters in the middle where they are more sheltered. \n' +
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'The emperors are also known for being able to dive the deepest of any species of penguin – even deeper than the king penguins – and they have been recorded at diving to depths of over 1,000 feet. Due to a decreased hatching rate and the effect of fishing on their food source, the emperor penguins are now classed as being near threatened on the IUCN red list.\n' +
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'Bonus: The Largest Penguins Ever!\n' +
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'The largest penguin ever to roam the Earth was the “colossus penguin” (Palaeeudyptes klekowskii). The massive species of penguin grew up to 8 feet tall (twice as tall as large emperor penguins today) and weighed upward of 250 pounds.\n' +
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'The first colossus penguin skeleton remains were found in 2014, and are incomplete, so there’s still a lot to learn about this ancient species! It’s believed colossus penguins lived about 37 million yea'... 1457 more characters,
timestamp: '2024-07-15T10:51:48',
title: 'The 10 Largest Penguins In The World - A-Z Animals',
url: ''
id: 'web-search_4',
snippet: 'Extinct mega penguin was tallest and heaviest ever\n' +
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'A fossil foot bone found in Antarctica suggests that one extinct species of penguin was a true giant, clocking in at 115 kilograms\n' +
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'Illustration of extinct Mega Penguin (Palaeeudyptes klekowskii) with human and Emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) for scale.\n' +
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'Chris Shields/Nature Picture Library/Alamy\n' +
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'Forget emperor penguins, say hello to the colossus penguin. Newly unearthed fossils have revealed that Antarctica was once home to the biggest species of penguin ever discovered. It was 2 metres long and weighed a hefty 115 kilograms.\n' +
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'Palaeeudyptes klekowskii lived 37 to 40 million years ago. This was “a wonderful time for penguins, when 10 to 14 species lived together along the Antarctic coast”, says Carolina Acosta Hospitaleche of the La Plata Museum in Argentina.\n' +
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'Extinct mega penguin was tallest and heaviest ever\n' +
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'She has been excavating fossil deposits on Seymour Island, off the Antarctic peninsula. This was a warmer region 40 million years ago, with a climate like that of present-day Tierra del Fuego, the islands at the southern tip of South America.\n' +
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'Read more: The last march of the emperor penguins\n' +
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'The site has yielded thousands of penguin bones. Earlier this year, Acosta Hospitaleche reported the most complete P. klekowskii skeleton yet, although it contained only about a dozen bones, mostly from the wings and feet (Geobios, DOI: 10.1016/j.geobios.2014.03.003).\n' +
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'Now she has uncovered two bigger bones. One is part of a wing, and the other is a tarsometatarsus, formed by the fusion of ankle and foot bones. The tarsometatarsus measures a record 9.1 centimetres. Based on the relative sizes of bones in penguin skeletons, Acosta Hospitaleche estimates P. klekowskii was 2.01 meters long from beak tip to toes.\n' +
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'Its height will have been somewhat less than its length owing to the way penguins stand. But it was nevertheless larger than any known penguin.\n' +
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'Pick up a penguin? Easier said than done in this case\n' +
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'Emperor penguins can weigh 46 kilograms and reach lengths of 1.36 metres, 0.2 metres above their standing height. Another extinct penguin used to hold the height record, at around 1.5 metres tall.\n' +
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'P. klekowskii‘s tarsometatarsus “is the longest foot bone I’ve ever seen. This is definitely a big penguin,” says Dan Ksepka at the Bruce Museum in Greenwich, Connecticut. However, he cautions that the estimate of its length is uncertain because giant penguins had skeletons “very differently proportioned than living penguins”.\n' +
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'Experience Galapagos as Darwin did in 1835: Sailing on a New Scientist Discovery Tour\n' +
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'Larger penguins can dive deeper and stay underwater longer than smaller ones. A giant like P. klekowski could have stayed down for 40 minutes, giving it more time to hunt fish, says Acosta Hospitaleche.\n' +
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'Journal reference: Comptes Rendus Palevol, DOI: 10.1016/j.crpv.2014.03.008\n' +
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timestamp: '2024-07-22T09:07:50',
title: 'Extinct mega penguin was tallest and heaviest ever | New Scientist',
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'Extinct Colossus Penguin Was Nearly 7 Feet Tall\n' +
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'Artist depiction of size in comparison to humans. Image: BirdLife Australia/FB\n' +
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'Article by Samantha Hartery, originally posted on Roaring Earth.\n' +
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'The fossil remains of the largest penguin species on the planet were unearthed in Antarctica.\n' +
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'The fossils belonged to a colossal 6-foot, 8-inch penguin that weighed 250 pounds and lived approximately 37 million years ago.\n' +
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'Because of its size, this species has been dubbed the “Colossus penguin.”\n' +
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'Scientists were able to estimate the size of this giant bird by comparing and scaling sizes of bones to modern-day penguins. (The largest penguin species alive today is the emperor penguin, measuring about 4 feet tall and weighing around 100 pounds.)\n' +
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'Given the scientific name Palaeeudyptes klekowskii, this penguin thrived in the warmer Late Eocene epoch. The climate was likely similar to that of the southern tip of South America.\n' +
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'Seymour Island, the location where the penguin fossils were found.\n' +
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'Seymour Island, the location where the penguin fossils were found.\n' +
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'According to Paleontologist Carolina Acosta Hospitaleche, this was “a wonderful time for penguins, when 10 to 14 species lived together along the Antarctic coast.”\n' +
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'The colossus penguin was probably a good hunter. Because larger penguins are known to be able to hold their breath longer, this particular penguin may have been able to stay underwater for upwards of 40 minutes.\n' +
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'The penguin’s remains were the most complete fossil record ever discovered in the Antarctic.\n' +
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'Emperor penguins, the largest species alive today, is only about 4 feet tall. Image: Christopher Michel\n' +
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'The fossils were found at La Meseta on Seymour Island, a chain of 16 islands on the Antarctic Peninsula. This area is well known in the scientific community as having an abundance of penguin bones.\n' +
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'Emperor penguins, the largest species alive today, is only about 4 feet tall. Image: Christopher Michel\n' +
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'Who knows what amazing fossils they’ll find next?\n' +
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'Rachel DrewAugust 20, 2020\n' +
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'Facebook0 Twitter LinkedIn0 Reddit Tumblr Pinterest0 0 Likes',
timestamp: '2024-07-05T04:04:05',
title: 'Extinct Colossus Penguin Was Nearly 7 Feet Tall — Pegasus Tutors',
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id: 'web-search_0',
snippet: 'The emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) is the tallest and heaviest of all living penguin species and is endemic to Antarctica. The male and female are similar in plumage and size, reaching 100 cm (39 in) in length and weighing from 22 to 45 kg (49 to 99 lb). Feathers of the head and back are black and sharply delineated from the white belly, pale-yellow breast and bright-yellow ear patches.\n' +
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'Like all penguins, it is flightless, with a streamlined body, and wings stiffened and flattened into flippers for a marine habitat. Its diet consists primarily of fish, but also includes crustaceans, such as krill, and cephalopods, such as squid. While hunting, the species can remain submerged around 20 minutes, diving to a depth of 535 m (1,755 ft). It has several adaptations to facilitate this, including an unusually structured haemoglobin to allow it to function at low oxygen levels, solid bones to reduce barotrauma, and the ability to reduce its metabolism and shut down non-essential organ functions.\n' +
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'The only penguin species that breeds during the Antarctic winter, emperor penguins trek 50–120 km (31–75 mi) over the ice to breeding colonies which can contain up to several thousand individuals. The female lays a single egg, which is incubated for just over two months by the male while the female returns to the sea to feed; parents subsequently take turns foraging at sea and caring for their chick in the colony. The lifespan is typically 20 years in the wild, although observations suggest that some individuals may live to 50 years of age.\n' +
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'Emperor penguins were described in 1844 by English zoologist George Robert Gray, who created the generic name from Ancient Greek word elements, ἀ-πτηνο-δύτης [a-ptēno-dytēs], "without-wings-diver". Its specific name is in honour of the German naturalist Johann Reinhold Forster, who accompanied Captain James Cook on his second voyage and officially named five other penguin species. Forster may have been the first person to see the penguins in 1773–74, when he recorded a sighting of what he believed was the similar king penguin (A. patagonicus) but given the location, may very well have been A. forsteri.\n' +
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"Together with the king penguin, the emperor penguin is one of two extant species in the genus Aptenodytes. Fossil evidence of a third species—Ridgen's penguin (A. ridgeni)—has been found in fossil records from the late Pliocene, about three million years ago, in New Zealand. Studies of penguin behaviour and genetics have proposed that the genus Aptenodytes is basal; in other words, that it split off from a branch which led to all other living penguin species. Mitochondrial and nuclear DNA evidence suggests this split occurred around 40 million years ago.\n" +
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'Adult emperor penguins are 110–120 cm (43–47 in) in length, averaging 115 centimetres (45 in) according to Stonehouse (1975). Due to method of bird measurement that measures length between bill to tail, sometimes body length and standing height are confused, and some reported height even reaching 1.5 metres (4.9 ft) tall. There are still more than a few papers mentioning that they reach a standing height of 1.2 metres (3.9 ft) instead of body length. Although standing height of emperor penguin is rarely provided at scientific reports, Prévost (1961) recorded 86 wild individuals and measured maximum height of 1.08 metres (3.5 ft). Friedman (1945) recorded measurements from 22 wild individuals and resulted height ranging 83–97 cm (33–38 in). Ksepka et al. (2012) measured standing height of 81–94 cm (32–37 in) according to 11 complete skins collected in American Museum of Natural History. The weight ranges from 22.7 to 45.4 kg (50 to 100 lb) and varies by sex, with males weighing more than females. It is the fifth heaviest living bird species, after only the larger varieties of ratite. The weight also varies by season, as both male and female penguins lose substantial mass while raising hatchlings and incubating their egg. A male emperor penguin must withstand the extreme Antarctic winter cold for more than two months while protecting his egg. He eats nothing during this time. Most male emperors will lose around 12 kg (26 lb) while they wait for their eggs to hatch. The mean weight of males at the start of the breeding season is 38 kg (84 lb) and that of females is 29.5 kg (65 lb). After the breeding season this drops to 23 kg (51 lb) for both sexes.\n' +
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'Like all penguin species, emperor penguins have streamlined bodies to minimize drag while swimming, and wings that are more like stiff, flat flippers. The tongue is equipped with rear-facing barbs to prevent prey from escaping when caught. Males and females are similar in size and colouration. The adult has deep black dorsal feathers, covering the head, chin, throat, back, dorsal part of the flippers, and tail. The black plumage is sharply delineated from the light-coloured plumage elsewhere. The underparts of the wings and belly are white, becoming pale yellow in the upper breast, while the ear patches are bright yellow. The upper mandible of the 8 cm (3 in) long bill is black, and the lower mandible can be pink, orange or lilac. In juveniles, the auricular patches, chin and throat are white, while its bill is black. Emperor penguin chicks are typically covered with silver-grey down and have black heads and white masks. A chick with all-white plumage was seen in 2001, but was not considered to be an albino as it did not have pink eyes. Chicks weigh around 315 g (11 oz) after hatching, and fledge when they reach about 50% of adult weight.\n' +
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"The emperor penguin's dark plumage fades to brown from November until February (the Antarctic summer), before the yearly moult in January and February. Moulting is rapid in this species compared with other birds, taking only around 34 days. Emperor penguin feathers emerge from the skin after they have grown to a third of their total length, and before old feathers are lost, to help reduce heat loss. New feathers then push out the old ones before finishing their growth.\n" +
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'The average yearly survival rate of an adult emperor penguin has been measured at 95.1%, with an average life expectancy of 19.9 years. The same researchers estimated that 1% of emperor penguins hatched could feasibly reach an age of 50 years. In contrast, only 19% of chicks survive their first year of life. Therefore, 80% of the emperor penguin population comprises adults five years and older.\n' +
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'As the species has no fixed nest sites that individuals can use to locate their own partner or chick, emperor penguins must rely on vocal calls alone for identification. They use a complex set of calls that are critical to individual recognition between parents, offspring and mates, displaying the widest variation in individual calls of all penguins. Vocalizing emperor penguins use two frequency bands simultaneously. Chicks use a frequency-modulated whistle to beg for food and to contact parents.\n' +
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"The emperor penguin breeds in the coldest environment of any bird species; air temperatures may reach −40 °C (−40 °F), and wind speeds may reach 144 km/h (89 mph). Water temperature is a frigid −1.8 °C (28.8 °F), which is much lower than the emperor penguin's average body temperature of 39 °C (102 °F). The species has adapted in several ways to counteract heat loss. Dense feathers provide 80–90% of its insulation and it has a layer of sub-dermal fat which may be up to 3 cm (1.2 in) thick before breeding. While the density of contour feathers is approximately 9 per square centimetre (58 per square inch), a combination of dense afterfeathers and down feathers (plumules) likely play a critical role for insulation. Muscles allow the feathers to be held erect on land, reducing heat loss by trapping a layer of air next to the skin. Conversely, the plumage is flattened in water, thus waterproofing the skin and the downy underlayer. Preening is vital in facilitating insulation and in keeping the plumage oily and water-repellent.\n" +
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'The emperor penguin is able to thermoregulate (maintain its core body temperature) without altering its metabolism, over a wide range of temperatures. Known as the thermoneutral range, this extends from −10 to 20 °C (14 to 68 °F). Below this temperature range, its metabolic rate increases significantly, although an individual can maintain its core temperature from 38.0 °C (100.4 °F) down to −47 °C (−53 °F). Movement by swimming, walking, and shivering are three mechanisms for increasing metabolism; a fourth process involves an increase in the breakdown of fats by enzymes, which is induced by the hormone glucagon. At temperatures above 20 °C (68 °F), an emperor penguin may become agitated as its body temperature and metabolic rate rise to increase heat loss. Raising its wings and exposing the undersides increases the exposure of its body surface to the air by 16%, facilitating further heat loss.\n' +
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'Adaptations to pressure and low oxygen\n' +
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'In addition to the cold, the emperor penguin encounters another stressful condition on deep dives—markedly increased pressure of up to 40 times that of the surface, which in most other terrestrial organisms would cause barotrauma. The bones of the penguin are solid rather than air-filled, which eliminates the risk of mechanical barotrauma.\n' +
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"While diving, the emperor penguin's oxygen use is markedly reduced, as its heart rate is reduced to as low as 15–20 beats per minute and non-essential organs are shut down, thus facilitating longer dives. Its haemoglobin and myoglobin are able to bind and transport oxygen at low blood concentrations; this allows the bird to function with very low oxygen levels that would otherwise result in loss of consciousness.\n" +
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'Distribution and habitat\n' +
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'The emperor penguin has a circumpolar distribution in the Antarctic almost exclusively between the 66° and 77° south latitudes. It almost always breeds on stable pack ice near the coast and up to 18 km (11 mi) offshore. Breeding colonies are usually in areas where ice cliffs and i'... 22063 more characters,
timestamp: '2024-07-30T03:42:59',
title: 'Emperor penguin - Wikipedia',
url: ''
id: 'web-search_1',
snippet: 'Sustainability for All.\n' +
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'Giant 6-Foot-8 Penguin Discovered in Antarctica\n' +
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'University of Houston\n' +
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'Bryan Nelson is a science writer and award-winning documentary filmmaker with over a decade of experience covering technology, astronomy, medicine, animals, and more.\n' +
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'Updated May 9, 2020 10:30AM EDT\n' +
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"Modern emperor penguins are certainly statuesque, but not quite as impressive as the 'colossus penguin' would have been. . Christopher Michel/flickr\n" +
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'The largest penguin species ever discovered has been unearthed in Antarctica, and its size is almost incomprehensible. Standing at 6 foot 8 inches from toe to beak tip, the mountainous bird would have dwarfed most adult humans, reports the Guardian.\n' +
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'In fact, if it were alive today the penguin could have looked basketball superstar LeBron James square in the eyes.\n' +
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"Fossils Provide Clues to the Bird's Size\n" +
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`The bird's 37-million-year-old fossilized remains, which include the longest recorded fused ankle-foot bone as well as parts of the animal's wing bone, represent the most complete fossil ever uncovered in the Antarctic. Appropriately dubbed the "colossus penguin," Palaeeudyptes klekowskii was truly the Godzilla of aquatic birds.\n` +
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`Scientists calculated the penguin's dimensions by scaling the sizes of its bones against those of modern penguin species. They estimate that the bird probably would have weighed about 250 pounds — again, roughly comparable to LeBron James. By comparison, the largest species of penguin alive today, the emperor penguin, is "only" about 4 feet tall and can weigh as much as 100 pounds.\n` +
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'Interestingly, because larger bodied penguins can hold their breath for longer, the colossus penguin probably could have stayed underwater for 40 minutes or more. It boggles the mind to imagine the kinds of huge, deep sea fish this mammoth bird might have been capable of hunting.\n' +
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"The fossil was found at the La Meseta formation on Seymour Island, an island in a chain of 16 major islands around the tip of the Graham Land on the Antarctic Peninsula. (It's the region that is the closest part of Antarctica to South America.) The area is known for its abundance of penguin bones, though in prehistoric times it would have been much warmer than it is today.\n" +
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"P. klekowskii towers over the next largest penguin ever discovered, a 5-foot-tall bird that lived about 36 million years ago in Peru. Since these two species were near contemporaries, it's fun to imagine a time between 35 and 40 million years ago when giant penguins walked the Earth, and perhaps swam alongside the ancestors of whales.\n" +
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timestamp: '2024-07-27T06:29:15',
title: 'Giant 6-Foot-8 Penguin Discovered in Antarctica',
url: ''
id: 'web-search_2',
snippet: 'The 10 Largest Penguins In The World\n' +
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'© Mike Korostelev/\n' +
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'Written by Hannah Ward\n' +
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'Updated: June 22, 2023\n' +
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'Penguins are well known for their distinctive walk and black and white markings and these flightless birds are loved worldwide, but what is the largest penguin in the world? Found predominantly in the Southern Hemisphere, there are currently 18 species of penguin left in the world, with 11 of them classified as being under threat. Although penguins nowadays are smaller than their now-extinct species once were (more on that below!), there are certainly still some large ones. Here are the 10 largest species of penguin by height.\n' +
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'Read on to learn more about these fascinating birds!\n' +
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'#10: African Penguin\n' +
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'An African penguin off the coast of South\n' +
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'©Dick Daniels (, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons – Original / License\n' +
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'You could easily be forgiven for not associating Africa with penguins, but there is indeed an African penguin which is found along the coast of South Africa and comes in at number ten with a height of 26.5 to 27.5 inches. Also sometimes known as the jackass penguin, these birds make a sound much like that of a donkey braying. They are easily distinguished by the pink markings above their eyes which are actually glands that they use to help them regulate their body temperature. They also have a horseshoe-shaped black marking on the underside of their chest. Sadly, they are under threat for several reasons – threats from predators, localized fishing which has resulted in them having to search further afield for food, and oil spills which have significantly harmed their numbers – and they are now classed as an endangered species on the IUCN red list.\n' +
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'#9: Humboldt Penguin\n' +
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'Two Humboldt penguins\n' +
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'©TimVickers / Creative Commons – Original\n' +
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'The Humboldt penguin has a similar appearance to the African penguin, having the same horseshoe-shaped black mark on their chest, but they are slightly larger with a height of 28 inches. They are endemic to South America and are often found in Chile and Peru. Their preferred habitat is rocky shorelines and caves where they like to build their nests during the March to December breeding season. The Humboldt penguin feeds mainly on fish, although some colonies of them are known to eat squid and crabs. Due to industrialization and mining as well as predators such as rats eating their eggs, the population is declining and they are now officially a vulnerable species.\n' +
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'#8: Macaroni Penguin\n' +
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'with a distinctive orange crest\n' +
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'©Jerzy Strzelecki / Creative Commons – Original / License\n' +
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'The Macaroni penguin stands at a height of around 28 inches and is found in the Falklands Islands, Chile, and a range of islands around Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. They are a crested penguin and have a yellow or orange crest on their head and a large orange beak. The macaroni penguin is a migratory bird that can be found on rocky cliffs next to the sea during breeding season from October to April and then spend the next six months in the open sea, often travelling as far as the Indian ocean. Although there was once a healthy, thriving population, their numbers have declined in recent years and they are now classed as being vulnerable.\n' +
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'#7: Magellanic Penguin\n' +
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'Magellanic Penguin at the nest\n' +
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'©David / Creative Commons – Original\n' +
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'The Magellanic penguin stands between 24 and 30 inches tall and is found in Argentina, Chile, and the Falklands Islands. They are closely related to both the African penguin and the Humboldt penguin and they have the same horseshoe-shaped band on their chest, although the Magellanic penguin also has a black band around the top of their head as well. Unlike some other species of penguin, the Magellanic penguin mates for life and nest in the exact same place each year, which is usually in places where there is plenty of vegetation to provide shelter. They head out into the sea once breeding season has ended, just like the Macaroni penguin and can often travel thousands of miles before returning to nest again the following year.\n' +
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'Royal Penguin walking on the sand\n' +
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'©M. Murphy – Public Domain\n' +
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'The royal penguin is the largest of the crested penguins and stands 26-30 inches tall and can weigh up to 18 pounds. Royal penguins have a striking yellow and black crest and a white face with a white belly and chest and a black back and flippers. They are endemic to Macquarie Island in Australia which is where the majority of them nest, but some can be found on the surrounding islands. Although they lay two eggs, usually only one of them hatches. Royal penguins prefer to live on beaches or bare areas near the sea and they feed on small fish and squid.\n' +
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'#5: Yellow-Eyed Penguin\n' +
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'The Yellow-eyed Penguin Megadyptes antipodes or Hoiho is a rare penguin native to New Zealand\n' +
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'©Anders Peter Photography/\n' +
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'The yellow-eyed penguin stands 24-31 inches tall and is endemic to New Zealand. They are easily recognizable as they have yellow eyes, hence the name, and a pale yellow band which goes from their eyes around the back of their heads and the rest of their head is usually dark brown rather than black. Yellow-eyed penguins can be quite a fussy penguin as they have a habit of not nesting within sight of another pair, although they do mate for life and both the male and female share the duties of sitting on the eggs during the incubation period, and of looking after the chicks once they have hatched. Unfortunately, the yellow-eyed penguin is at risk from an unknown disease which has affected chicks in colonies in several different areas, and as such they are now an endangered species.\n' +
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'#4: Chinstrap Penguin\n' +
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'Chinstrap Penguin with chicks\n' +
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'©US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration / Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons – Original / License\n' +
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'The chinstrap penguin is widespread across Antarctica, the Falklands Islands, Chile, Argentina, and other surrounding islands. They usually reach 28-31 inches and have a distinctive appearance with the top of their head being black and the rest of it being white but with a thin black band going underneath their chin which is where they get their name from. They build their nests with stones and the eggs are hatched by both parents. Chinstrap penguins often swim around 50 miles per day when hunting, but they are often at risk both on the land and the sea from predators. Their main predators are leopard seals and large seabirds such as skuas and the southern giant petrel. However, despite this, their population remains healthy and is not under threat.\n' +
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'A Gentoo penguin in the sea\n' +
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'©Jerzy Strzelecki, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons – Original / License\n' +
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'The Gentoo penguin can reach a maximum height of 35 inches, although the average is around 31 inches. They are found predominantly in Antarctica, the Falklands Islands, and South Georgia. Gentoo penguins have a black head with a white stripe across it, which makes them easily recognizable from other species of penguin. They make their nests in piles of stones and they can be extremely territorial over them, with fierce fights often breaking out between males. Although other large seabirds often prey on the eggs and chicks, healthy adults have no predators on land, but killer whales and seals pose a threat to them while they are on the water.\n' +
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'King penguins walking on a beach\n' +
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'©Phil West/\n' +
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'Reaching the second spot on our list is the king penguin, which can grow to be 33-37 inches tall, can weigh 40 pounds, and is found in Antarctica, South Georgia, and the surrounding islands. As well as the traditional penguin markings of a black back and white underside, they have a black head with orange patches on each side and an orange marking on their upper chest area which gives them a stunning appearance. King penguins are able swimmers and can dive to depths over 200 feet when hunting for small fish and squid. The species are particularly unique as their eggs are pear-shaped and they don’t build nests, instead, king penguins carry the eggs around on their feet and incubate them in a pouch. Although overfishing threatens their food source, king penguins aren’t considered to be under any threat and the population remains healthy.\n' +
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'Emperor Penguins with a chick. The black and white “tuxedo” look donned by most penguin species is a clever camouflage called countershading.\n' +
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'©vladsilver/\n' +
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'The largest penguin in the world is the emperor penguin. Standing at 45 inches, these giants can even weigh up to 100 pounds. They are quite similar in appearance to the king penguin but have pale yellow markings on their upper chest and head instead of orange. Emperor penguins are endemic to Antarctica and they breed during the harsh winter. During this time the male penguin incubates the egg on his feet and doesn’t eat at all for the entire 65 to 75 days it takes for it to hatch. Emperor penguins commonly huddle together for warmth as they endure the harsh conditions that they endure, with youngsters in the middle where they are more sheltered. \n' +
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'The emperors are also known for being able to dive the deepest of any species of penguin – even deeper than the king penguins – and they have been recorded at diving to depths of over 1,000 feet. Due to a decreased hatching rate and the effect of fishing on their food source, the emperor penguins are now classed as being near threatened on the IUCN red list.\n' +
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'Bonus: The Largest Penguins Ever!\n' +
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'The largest penguin ever to roam the Earth was the “colossus penguin” (Palaeeudyptes klekowskii). The massive species of penguin grew up to 8 feet tall (twice as tall as large emperor penguins today) and weighed upward of 250 pounds.\n' +
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'The first colossus penguin skeleton remains were found in 2014, and are incomplete, so there’s still a lot to learn about this ancient species! It’s believed colossus penguins lived about 37 million yea'... 1457 more characters,
timestamp: '2024-07-15T10:51:48',
title: 'The 10 Largest Penguins In The World - A-Z Animals',
url: ''
id: 'web-search_4',
snippet: 'Extinct mega penguin was tallest and heaviest ever\n' +
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'A fossil foot bone found in Antarctica suggests that one extinct species of penguin was a true giant, clocking in at 115 kilograms\n' +
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'Illustration of extinct Mega Penguin (Palaeeudyptes klekowskii) with human and Emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) for scale.\n' +
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'Chris Shields/Nature Picture Library/Alamy\n' +
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'Forget emperor penguins, say hello to the colossus penguin. Newly unearthed fossils have revealed that Antarctica was once home to the biggest species of penguin ever discovered. It was 2 metres long and weighed a hefty 115 kilograms.\n' +
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'Palaeeudyptes klekowskii lived 37 to 40 million years ago. This was “a wonderful time for penguins, when 10 to 14 species lived together along the Antarctic coast”, says Carolina Acosta Hospitaleche of the La Plata Museum in Argentina.\n' +
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'Extinct mega penguin was tallest and heaviest ever\n' +
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'She has been excavating fossil deposits on Seymour Island, off the Antarctic peninsula. This was a warmer region 40 million years ago, with a climate like that of present-day Tierra del Fuego, the islands at the southern tip of South America.\n' +
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'Read more: The last march of the emperor penguins\n' +
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'The site has yielded thousands of penguin bones. Earlier this year, Acosta Hospitaleche reported the most complete P. klekowskii skeleton yet, although it contained only about a dozen bones, mostly from the wings and feet (Geobios, DOI: 10.1016/j.geobios.2014.03.003).\n' +
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'Now she has uncovered two bigger bones. One is part of a wing, and the other is a tarsometatarsus, formed by the fusion of ankle and foot bones. The tarsometatarsus measures a record 9.1 centimetres. Based on the relative sizes of bones in penguin skeletons, Acosta Hospitaleche estimates P. klekowskii was 2.01 meters long from beak tip to toes.\n' +
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'Its height will have been somewhat less than its length owing to the way penguins stand. But it was nevertheless larger than any known penguin.\n' +
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'Pick up a penguin? Easier said than done in this case\n' +
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'Emperor penguins can weigh 46 kilograms and reach lengths of 1.36 metres, 0.2 metres above their standing height. Another extinct penguin used to hold the height record, at around 1.5 metres tall.\n' +
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'P. klekowskii‘s tarsometatarsus “is the longest foot bone I’ve ever seen. This is definitely a big penguin,” says Dan Ksepka at the Bruce Museum in Greenwich, Connecticut. However, he cautions that the estimate of its length is uncertain because giant penguins had skeletons “very differently proportioned than living penguins”.\n' +
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'Experience Galapagos as Darwin did in 1835: Sailing on a New Scientist Discovery Tour\n' +
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'Larger penguins can dive deeper and stay underwater longer than smaller ones. A giant like P. klekowski could have stayed down for 40 minutes, giving it more time to hunt fish, says Acosta Hospitaleche.\n' +
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'Journal reference: Comptes Rendus Palevol, DOI: 10.1016/j.crpv.2014.03.008\n' +
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timestamp: '2024-07-22T09:07:50',
title: 'Extinct mega penguin was tallest and heaviest ever | New Scientist',
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'Extinct Colossus Penguin Was Nearly 7 Feet Tall\n' +
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'Artist depiction of size in comparison to humans. Image: BirdLife Australia/FB\n' +
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'Article by Samantha Hartery, originally posted on Roaring Earth.\n' +
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'The fossil remains of the largest penguin species on the planet were unearthed in Antarctica.\n' +
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'The fossils belonged to a colossal 6-foot, 8-inch penguin that weighed 250 pounds and lived approximately 37 million years ago.\n' +
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'Because of its size, this species has been dubbed the “Colossus penguin.”\n' +
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'Scientists were able to estimate the size of this giant bird by comparing and scaling sizes of bones to modern-day penguins. (The largest penguin species alive today is the emperor penguin, measuring about 4 feet tall and weighing around 100 pounds.)\n' +
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'Given the scientific name Palaeeudyptes klekowskii, this penguin thrived in the warmer Late Eocene epoch. The climate was likely similar to that of the southern tip of South America.\n' +
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'Seymour Island, the location where the penguin fossils were found.\n' +
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'Seymour Island, the location where the penguin fossils were found.\n' +
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'According to Paleontologist Carolina Acosta Hospitaleche, this was “a wonderful time for penguins, when 10 to 14 species lived together along the Antarctic coast.”\n' +
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'The colossus penguin was probably a good hunter. Because larger penguins are known to be able to hold their breath longer, this particular penguin may have been able to stay underwater for upwards of 40 minutes.\n' +
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'The penguin’s remains were the most complete fossil record ever discovered in the Antarctic.\n' +
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'Emperor penguins, the largest species alive today, is only about 4 feet tall. Image: Christopher Michel\n' +
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'The fossils were found at La Meseta on Seymour Island, a chain of 16 islands on the Antarctic Peninsula. This area is well known in the scientific community as having an abundance of penguin bones.\n' +
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'Emperor penguins, the largest species alive today, is only about 4 feet tall. Image: Christopher Michel\n' +
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'Who knows what amazing fossils they’ll find next?\n' +
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'Rachel DrewAugust 20, 2020\n' +
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'Facebook0 Twitter LinkedIn0 Reddit Tumblr Pinterest0 0 Likes',
timestamp: '2024-07-05T04:04:05',
title: 'Extinct Colossus Penguin Was Nearly 7 Feet Tall — Pegasus Tutors',
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snippet: 'The emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) is the tallest and heaviest of all living penguin species and is endemic to Antarctica. The male and female are similar in plumage and size, reaching 100 cm (39 in) in length and weighing from 22 to 45 kg (49 to 99 lb). Feathers of the head and back are black and sharply delineated from the white belly, pale-yellow breast and bright-yellow ear patches.\n' +
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'Like all penguins, it is flightless, with a streamlined body, and wings stiffened and flattened into flippers for a marine habitat. Its diet consists primarily of fish, but also includes crustaceans, such as krill, and cephalopods, such as squid. While hunting, the species can remain submerged around 20 minutes, diving to a depth of 535 m (1,755 ft). It has several adaptations to facilitate this, including an unusually structured haemoglobin to allow it to function at low oxygen levels, solid bones to reduce barotrauma, and the ability to reduce its metabolism and shut down non-essential organ functions.\n' +
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'The only penguin species that breeds during the Antarctic winter, emperor penguins trek 50–120 km (31–75 mi) over the ice to breeding colonies which can contain up to several thousand individuals. The female lays a single egg, which is incubated for just over two months by the male while the female returns to the sea to feed; parents subsequently take turns foraging at sea and caring for their chick in the colony. The lifespan is typically 20 years in the wild, although observations suggest that some individuals may live to 50 years of age.\n' +
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'Emperor penguins were described in 1844 by English zoologist George Robert Gray, who created the generic name from Ancient Greek word elements, ἀ-πτηνο-δύτης [a-ptēno-dytēs], "without-wings-diver". Its specific name is in honour of the German naturalist Johann Reinhold Forster, who accompanied Captain James Cook on his second voyage and officially named five other penguin species. Forster may have been the first person to see the penguins in 1773–74, when he recorded a sighting of what he believed was the similar king penguin (A. patagonicus) but given the location, may very well have been A. forsteri.\n' +
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"Together with the king penguin, the emperor penguin is one of two extant species in the genus Aptenodytes. Fossil evidence of a third species—Ridgen's penguin (A. ridgeni)—has been found in fossil records from the late Pliocene, about three million years ago, in New Zealand. Studies of penguin behaviour and genetics have proposed that the genus Aptenodytes is basal; in other words, that it split off from a branch which led to all other living penguin species. Mitochondrial and nuclear DNA evidence suggests this split occurred around 40 million years ago.\n" +
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'Adult emperor penguins are 110–120 cm (43–47 in) in length, averaging 115 centimetres (45 in) according to Stonehouse (1975). Due to method of bird measurement that measures length between bill to tail, sometimes body length and standing height are confused, and some reported height even reaching 1.5 metres (4.9 ft) tall. There are still more than a few papers mentioning that they reach a standing height of 1.2 metres (3.9 ft) instead of body length. Although standing height of emperor penguin is rarely provided at scientific reports, Prévost (1961) recorded 86 wild individuals and measured maximum height of 1.08 metres (3.5 ft). Friedman (1945) recorded measurements from 22 wild individuals and resulted height ranging 83–97 cm (33–38 in). Ksepka et al. (2012) measured standing height of 81–94 cm (32–37 in) according to 11 complete skins collected in American Museum of Natural History. The weight ranges from 22.7 to 45.4 kg (50 to 100 lb) and varies by sex, with males weighing more than females. It is the fifth heaviest living bird species, after only the larger varieties of ratite. The weight also varies by season, as both male and female penguins lose substantial mass while raising hatchlings and incubating their egg. A male emperor penguin must withstand the extreme Antarctic winter cold for more than two months while protecting his egg. He eats nothing during this time. Most male emperors will lose around 12 kg (26 lb) while they wait for their eggs to hatch. The mean weight of males at the start of the breeding season is 38 kg (84 lb) and that of females is 29.5 kg (65 lb). After the breeding season this drops to 23 kg (51 lb) for both sexes.\n' +
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'Like all penguin species, emperor penguins have streamlined bodies to minimize drag while swimming, and wings that are more like stiff, flat flippers. The tongue is equipped with rear-facing barbs to prevent prey from escaping when caught. Males and females are similar in size and colouration. The adult has deep black dorsal feathers, covering the head, chin, throat, back, dorsal part of the flippers, and tail. The black plumage is sharply delineated from the light-coloured plumage elsewhere. The underparts of the wings and belly are white, becoming pale yellow in the upper breast, while the ear patches are bright yellow. The upper mandible of the 8 cm (3 in) long bill is black, and the lower mandible can be pink, orange or lilac. In juveniles, the auricular patches, chin and throat are white, while its bill is black. Emperor penguin chicks are typically covered with silver-grey down and have black heads and white masks. A chick with all-white plumage was seen in 2001, but was not considered to be an albino as it did not have pink eyes. Chicks weigh around 315 g (11 oz) after hatching, and fledge when they reach about 50% of adult weight.\n' +
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"The emperor penguin's dark plumage fades to brown from November until February (the Antarctic summer), before the yearly moult in January and February. Moulting is rapid in this species compared with other birds, taking only around 34 days. Emperor penguin feathers emerge from the skin after they have grown to a third of their total length, and before old feathers are lost, to help reduce heat loss. New feathers then push out the old ones before finishing their growth.\n" +
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'The average yearly survival rate of an adult emperor penguin has been measured at 95.1%, with an average life expectancy of 19.9 years. The same researchers estimated that 1% of emperor penguins hatched could feasibly reach an age of 50 years. In contrast, only 19% of chicks survive their first year of life. Therefore, 80% of the emperor penguin population comprises adults five years and older.\n' +
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'As the species has no fixed nest sites that individuals can use to locate their own partner or chick, emperor penguins must rely on vocal calls alone for identification. They use a complex set of calls that are critical to individual recognition between parents, offspring and mates, displaying the widest variation in individual calls of all penguins. Vocalizing emperor penguins use two frequency bands simultaneously. Chicks use a frequency-modulated whistle to beg for food and to contact parents.\n' +
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"The emperor penguin breeds in the coldest environment of any bird species; air temperatures may reach −40 °C (−40 °F), and wind speeds may reach 144 km/h (89 mph). Water temperature is a frigid −1.8 °C (28.8 °F), which is much lower than the emperor penguin's average body temperature of 39 °C (102 °F). The species has adapted in several ways to counteract heat loss. Dense feathers provide 80–90% of its insulation and it has a layer of sub-dermal fat which may be up to 3 cm (1.2 in) thick before breeding. While the density of contour feathers is approximately 9 per square centimetre (58 per square inch), a combination of dense afterfeathers and down feathers (plumules) likely play a critical role for insulation. Muscles allow the feathers to be held erect on land, reducing heat loss by trapping a layer of air next to the skin. Conversely, the plumage is flattened in water, thus waterproofing the skin and the downy underlayer. Preening is vital in facilitating insulation and in keeping the plumage oily and water-repellent.\n" +
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'The emperor penguin is able to thermoregulate (maintain its core body temperature) without altering its metabolism, over a wide range of temperatures. Known as the thermoneutral range, this extends from −10 to 20 °C (14 to 68 °F). Below this temperature range, its metabolic rate increases significantly, although an individual can maintain its core temperature from 38.0 °C (100.4 °F) down to −47 °C (−53 °F). Movement by swimming, walking, and shivering are three mechanisms for increasing metabolism; a fourth process involves an increase in the breakdown of fats by enzymes, which is induced by the hormone glucagon. At temperatures above 20 °C (68 °F), an emperor penguin may become agitated as its body temperature and metabolic rate rise to increase heat loss. Raising its wings and exposing the undersides increases the exposure of its body surface to the air by 16%, facilitating further heat loss.\n' +
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'Adaptations to pressure and low oxygen\n' +
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'In addition to the cold, the emperor penguin encounters another stressful condition on deep dives—markedly increased pressure of up to 40 times that of the surface, which in most other terrestrial organisms would cause barotrauma. The bones of the penguin are solid rather than air-filled, which eliminates the risk of mechanical barotrauma.\n' +
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"While diving, the emperor penguin's oxygen use is markedly reduced, as its heart rate is reduced to as low as 15–20 beats per minute and non-essential organs are shut down, thus facilitating longer dives. Its haemoglobin and myoglobin are able to bind and transport oxygen at low blood concentrations; this allows the bird to function with very low oxygen levels that would otherwise result in loss of consciousness.\n" +
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'Distribution and habitat\n' +
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'The emperor penguin has a circumpolar distribution in the Antarctic almost exclusively between the 66° and 77° south latitudes. It almost always breeds on stable pack ice near the coast and up to 18 km (11 mi) offshore. Breeding colonies are usually in areas where ice cliffs and i'... 22063 more characters,
timestamp: '2024-07-30T03:42:59',
title: 'Emperor penguin - Wikipedia',
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id: 'web-search_1',
snippet: 'Sustainability for All.\n' +
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'Giant 6-Foot-8 Penguin Discovered in Antarctica\n' +
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'University of Houston\n' +
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'Bryan Nelson is a science writer and award-winning documentary filmmaker with over a decade of experience covering technology, astronomy, medicine, animals, and more.\n' +
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'Learn about our editorial process\n' +
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'Updated May 9, 2020 10:30AM EDT\n' +
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"Modern emperor penguins are certainly statuesque, but not quite as impressive as the 'colossus penguin' would have been. . Christopher Michel/flickr\n" +
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'The largest penguin species ever discovered has been unearthed in Antarctica, and its size is almost incomprehensible. Standing at 6 foot 8 inches from toe to beak tip, the mountainous bird would have dwarfed most adult humans, reports the Guardian.\n' +
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'In fact, if it were alive today the penguin could have looked basketball superstar LeBron James square in the eyes.\n' +
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"Fossils Provide Clues to the Bird's Size\n" +
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`The bird's 37-million-year-old fossilized remains, which include the longest recorded fused ankle-foot bone as well as parts of the animal's wing bone, represent the most complete fossil ever uncovered in the Antarctic. Appropriately dubbed the "colossus penguin," Palaeeudyptes klekowskii was truly the Godzilla of aquatic birds.\n` +
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`Scientists calculated the penguin's dimensions by scaling the sizes of its bones against those of modern penguin species. They estimate that the bird probably would have weighed about 250 pounds — again, roughly comparable to LeBron James. By comparison, the largest species of penguin alive today, the emperor penguin, is "only" about 4 feet tall and can weigh as much as 100 pounds.\n` +
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'Interestingly, because larger bodied penguins can hold their breath for longer, the colossus penguin probably could have stayed underwater for 40 minutes or more. It boggles the mind to imagine the kinds of huge, deep sea fish this mammoth bird might have been capable of hunting.\n' +
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"The fossil was found at the La Meseta formation on Seymour Island, an island in a chain of 16 major islands around the tip of the Graham Land on the Antarctic Peninsula. (It's the region that is the closest part of Antarctica to South America.) The area is known for its abundance of penguin bones, though in prehistoric times it would have been much warmer than it is today.\n" +
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"P. klekowskii towers over the next largest penguin ever discovered, a 5-foot-tall bird that lived about 36 million years ago in Peru. Since these two species were near contemporaries, it's fun to imagine a time between 35 and 40 million years ago when giant penguins walked the Earth, and perhaps swam alongside the ancestors of whales.\n" +
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timestamp: '2024-07-27T06:29:15',
title: 'Giant 6-Foot-8 Penguin Discovered in Antarctica',
url: ''
id: 'web-search_2',
snippet: 'The 10 Largest Penguins In The World\n' +
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'© Mike Korostelev/\n' +
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'Written by Hannah Ward\n' +
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'Updated: June 22, 2023\n' +
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'Penguins are well known for their distinctive walk and black and white markings and these flightless birds are loved worldwide, but what is the largest penguin in the world? Found predominantly in the Southern Hemisphere, there are currently 18 species of penguin left in the world, with 11 of them classified as being under threat. Although penguins nowadays are smaller than their now-extinct species once were (more on that below!), there are certainly still some large ones. Here are the 10 largest species of penguin by height.\n' +
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'Read on to learn more about these fascinating birds!\n' +
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'#10: African Penguin\n' +
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'An African penguin off the coast of South\n' +
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'©Dick Daniels (, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons – Original / License\n' +
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'You could easily be forgiven for not associating Africa with penguins, but there is indeed an African penguin which is found along the coast of South Africa and comes in at number ten with a height of 26.5 to 27.5 inches. Also sometimes known as the jackass penguin, these birds make a sound much like that of a donkey braying. They are easily distinguished by the pink markings above their eyes which are actually glands that they use to help them regulate their body temperature. They also have a horseshoe-shaped black marking on the underside of their chest. Sadly, they are under threat for several reasons – threats from predators, localized fishing which has resulted in them having to search further afield for food, and oil spills which have significantly harmed their numbers – and they are now classed as an endangered species on the IUCN red list.\n' +
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'#9: Humboldt Penguin\n' +
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'Two Humboldt penguins\n' +
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'©TimVickers / Creative Commons – Original\n' +
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'The Humboldt penguin has a similar appearance to the African penguin, having the same horseshoe-shaped black mark on their chest, but they are slightly larger with a height of 28 inches. They are endemic to South America and are often found in Chile and Peru. Their preferred habitat is rocky shorelines and caves where they like to build their nests during the March to December breeding season. The Humboldt penguin feeds mainly on fish, although some colonies of them are known to eat squid and crabs. Due to industrialization and mining as well as predators such as rats eating their eggs, the population is declining and they are now officially a vulnerable species.\n' +
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'#8: Macaroni Penguin\n' +
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'with a distinctive orange crest\n' +
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'©Jerzy Strzelecki / Creative Commons – Original / License\n' +
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'The Macaroni penguin stands at a height of around 28 inches and is found in the Falklands Islands, Chile, and a range of islands around Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. They are a crested penguin and have a yellow or orange crest on their head and a large orange beak. The macaroni penguin is a migratory bird that can be found on rocky cliffs next to the sea during breeding season from October to April and then spend the next six months in the open sea, often travelling as far as the Indian ocean. Although there was once a healthy, thriving population, their numbers have declined in recent years and they are now classed as being vulnerable.\n' +
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'#7: Magellanic Penguin\n' +
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'Magellanic Penguin at the nest\n' +
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'©David / Creative Commons – Original\n' +
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'The Magellanic penguin stands between 24 and 30 inches tall and is found in Argentina, Chile, and the Falklands Islands. They are closely related to both the African penguin and the Humboldt penguin and they have the same horseshoe-shaped band on their chest, although the Magellanic penguin also has a black band around the top of their head as well. Unlike some other species of penguin, the Magellanic penguin mates for life and nest in the exact same place each year, which is usually in places where there is plenty of vegetation to provide shelter. They head out into the sea once breeding season has ended, just like the Macaroni penguin and can often travel thousands of miles before returning to nest again the following year.\n' +
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'Royal Penguin walking on the sand\n' +
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'©M. Murphy – Public Domain\n' +
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'The royal penguin is the largest of the crested penguins and stands 26-30 inches tall and can weigh up to 18 pounds. Royal penguins have a striking yellow and black crest and a white face with a white belly and chest and a black back and flippers. They are endemic to Macquarie Island in Australia which is where the majority of them nest, but some can be found on the surrounding islands. Although they lay two eggs, usually only one of them hatches. Royal penguins prefer to live on beaches or bare areas near the sea and they feed on small fish and squid.\n' +
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'#5: Yellow-Eyed Penguin\n' +
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'The Yellow-eyed Penguin Megadyptes antipodes or Hoiho is a rare penguin native to New Zealand\n' +
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'©Anders Peter Photography/\n' +
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'The yellow-eyed penguin stands 24-31 inches tall and is endemic to New Zealand. They are easily recognizable as they have yellow eyes, hence the name, and a pale yellow band which goes from their eyes around the back of their heads and the rest of their head is usually dark brown rather than black. Yellow-eyed penguins can be quite a fussy penguin as they have a habit of not nesting within sight of another pair, although they do mate for life and both the male and female share the duties of sitting on the eggs during the incubation period, and of looking after the chicks once they have hatched. Unfortunately, the yellow-eyed penguin is at risk from an unknown disease which has affected chicks in colonies in several different areas, and as such they are now an endangered species.\n' +
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'#4: Chinstrap Penguin\n' +
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'Chinstrap Penguin with chicks\n' +
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'©US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration / Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons – Original / License\n' +
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'The chinstrap penguin is widespread across Antarctica, the Falklands Islands, Chile, Argentina, and other surrounding islands. They usually reach 28-31 inches and have a distinctive appearance with the top of their head being black and the rest of it being white but with a thin black band going underneath their chin which is where they get their name from. They build their nests with stones and the eggs are hatched by both parents. Chinstrap penguins often swim around 50 miles per day when hunting, but they are often at risk both on the land and the sea from predators. Their main predators are leopard seals and large seabirds such as skuas and the southern giant petrel. However, despite this, their population remains healthy and is not under threat.\n' +
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'A Gentoo penguin in the sea\n' +
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'©Jerzy Strzelecki, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons – Original / License\n' +
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'The Gentoo penguin can reach a maximum height of 35 inches, although the average is around 31 inches. They are found predominantly in Antarctica, the Falklands Islands, and South Georgia. Gentoo penguins have a black head with a white stripe across it, which makes them easily recognizable from other species of penguin. They make their nests in piles of stones and they can be extremely territorial over them, with fierce fights often breaking out between males. Although other large seabirds often prey on the eggs and chicks, healthy adults have no predators on land, but killer whales and seals pose a threat to them while they are on the water.\n' +
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'King penguins walking on a beach\n' +
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'©Phil West/\n' +
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'Reaching the second spot on our list is the king penguin, which can grow to be 33-37 inches tall, can weigh 40 pounds, and is found in Antarctica, South Georgia, and the surrounding islands. As well as the traditional penguin markings of a black back and white underside, they have a black head with orange patches on each side and an orange marking on their upper chest area which gives them a stunning appearance. King penguins are able swimmers and can dive to depths over 200 feet when hunting for small fish and squid. The species are particularly unique as their eggs are pear-shaped and they don’t build nests, instead, king penguins carry the eggs around on their feet and incubate them in a pouch. Although overfishing threatens their food source, king penguins aren’t considered to be under any threat and the population remains healthy.\n' +
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'Emperor Penguins with a chick. The black and white “tuxedo” look donned by most penguin species is a clever camouflage called countershading.\n' +
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'©vladsilver/\n' +
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'The largest penguin in the world is the emperor penguin. Standing at 45 inches, these giants can even weigh up to 100 pounds. They are quite similar in appearance to the king penguin but have pale yellow markings on their upper chest and head instead of orange. Emperor penguins are endemic to Antarctica and they breed during the harsh winter. During this time the male penguin incubates the egg on his feet and doesn’t eat at all for the entire 65 to 75 days it takes for it to hatch. Emperor penguins commonly huddle together for warmth as they endure the harsh conditions that they endure, with youngsters in the middle where they are more sheltered. \n' +
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'The emperors are also known for being able to dive the deepest of any species of penguin – even deeper than the king penguins – and they have been recorded at diving to depths of over 1,000 feet. Due to a decreased hatching rate and the effect of fishing on their food source, the emperor penguins are now classed as being near threatened on the IUCN red list.\n' +
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'Bonus: The Largest Penguins Ever!\n' +
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'The largest penguin ever to roam the Earth was the “colossus penguin” (Palaeeudyptes klekowskii). The massive species of penguin grew up to 8 feet tall (twice as tall as large emperor penguins today) and weighed upward of 250 pounds.\n' +
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'The first colossus penguin skeleton remains were found in 2014, and are incomplete, so there’s still a lot to learn about this ancient species! It’s believed colossus penguins lived about 37 million yea'... 1457 more characters,
timestamp: '2024-07-15T10:51:48',
title: 'The 10 Largest Penguins In The World - A-Z Animals',
url: ''
id: 'web-search_4',
snippet: 'Extinct mega penguin was tallest and heaviest ever\n' +
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'A fossil foot bone found in Antarctica suggests that one extinct species of penguin was a true giant, clocking in at 115 kilograms\n' +
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'Illustration of extinct Mega Penguin (Palaeeudyptes klekowskii) with human and Emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) for scale.\n' +
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'Chris Shields/Nature Picture Library/Alamy\n' +
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'Forget emperor penguins, say hello to the colossus penguin. Newly unearthed fossils have revealed that Antarctica was once home to the biggest species of penguin ever discovered. It was 2 metres long and weighed a hefty 115 kilograms.\n' +
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'Palaeeudyptes klekowskii lived 37 to 40 million years ago. This was “a wonderful time for penguins, when 10 to 14 species lived together along the Antarctic coast”, says Carolina Acosta Hospitaleche of the La Plata Museum in Argentina.\n' +
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'Extinct mega penguin was tallest and heaviest ever\n' +
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'She has been excavating fossil deposits on Seymour Island, off the Antarctic peninsula. This was a warmer region 40 million years ago, with a climate like that of present-day Tierra del Fuego, the islands at the southern tip of South America.\n' +
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'Read more: The last march of the emperor penguins\n' +
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'The site has yielded thousands of penguin bones. Earlier this year, Acosta Hospitaleche reported the most complete P. klekowskii skeleton yet, although it contained only about a dozen bones, mostly from the wings and feet (Geobios, DOI: 10.1016/j.geobios.2014.03.003).\n' +
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'Now she has uncovered two bigger bones. One is part of a wing, and the other is a tarsometatarsus, formed by the fusion of ankle and foot bones. The tarsometatarsus measures a record 9.1 centimetres. Based on the relative sizes of bones in penguin skeletons, Acosta Hospitaleche estimates P. klekowskii was 2.01 meters long from beak tip to toes.\n' +
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'Its height will have been somewhat less than its length owing to the way penguins stand. But it was nevertheless larger than any known penguin.\n' +
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'Pick up a penguin? Easier said than done in this case\n' +
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'Emperor penguins can weigh 46 kilograms and reach lengths of 1.36 metres, 0.2 metres above their standing height. Another extinct penguin used to hold the height record, at around 1.5 metres tall.\n' +
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'P. klekowskii‘s tarsometatarsus “is the longest foot bone I’ve ever seen. This is definitely a big penguin,” says Dan Ksepka at the Bruce Museum in Greenwich, Connecticut. However, he cautions that the estimate of its length is uncertain because giant penguins had skeletons “very differently proportioned than living penguins”.\n' +
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'Experience Galapagos as Darwin did in 1835: Sailing on a New Scientist Discovery Tour\n' +
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'Larger penguins can dive deeper and stay underwater longer than smaller ones. A giant like P. klekowski could have stayed down for 40 minutes, giving it more time to hunt fish, says Acosta Hospitaleche.\n' +
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'Journal reference: Comptes Rendus Palevol, DOI: 10.1016/j.crpv.2014.03.008\n' +
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timestamp: '2024-07-22T09:07:50',
title: 'Extinct mega penguin was tallest and heaviest ever | New Scientist',
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'Extinct Colossus Penguin Was Nearly 7 Feet Tall\n' +
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'Artist depiction of size in comparison to humans. Image: BirdLife Australia/FB\n' +
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'Article by Samantha Hartery, originally posted on Roaring Earth.\n' +
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'The fossil remains of the largest penguin species on the planet were unearthed in Antarctica.\n' +
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'The fossils belonged to a colossal 6-foot, 8-inch penguin that weighed 250 pounds and lived approximately 37 million years ago.\n' +
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'Because of its size, this species has been dubbed the “Colossus penguin.”\n' +
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'Scientists were able to estimate the size of this giant bird by comparing and scaling sizes of bones to modern-day penguins. (The largest penguin species alive today is the emperor penguin, measuring about 4 feet tall and weighing around 100 pounds.)\n' +
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'Given the scientific name Palaeeudyptes klekowskii, this penguin thrived in the warmer Late Eocene epoch. The climate was likely similar to that of the southern tip of South America.\n' +
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'Seymour Island, the location where the penguin fossils were found.\n' +
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'Seymour Island, the location where the penguin fossils were found.\n' +
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'According to Paleontologist Carolina Acosta Hospitaleche, this was “a wonderful time for penguins, when 10 to 14 species lived together along the Antarctic coast.”\n' +
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'The colossus penguin was probably a good hunter. Because larger penguins are known to be able to hold their breath longer, this particular penguin may have been able to stay underwater for upwards of 40 minutes.\n' +
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'The penguin’s remains were the most complete fossil record ever discovered in the Antarctic.\n' +
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'Emperor penguins, the largest species alive today, is only about 4 feet tall. Image: Christopher Michel\n' +
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'The fossils were found at La Meseta on Seymour Island, a chain of 16 islands on the Antarctic Peninsula. This area is well known in the scientific community as having an abundance of penguin bones.\n' +
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'Emperor penguins, the largest species alive today, is only about 4 feet tall. Image: Christopher Michel\n' +
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'Who knows what amazing fossils they’ll find next?\n' +
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'Rachel DrewAugust 20, 2020\n' +
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timestamp: '2024-07-05T04:04:05',
title: 'Extinct Colossus Penguin Was Nearly 7 Feet Tall — Pegasus Tutors',
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documentIds: [
connector: { id: 'web-search' }
searchQueries: [
text: 'largest penguins height',
generationId: '393d8add-428b-46e2-bd13-7dece17e3dfb'
id: undefined,
tool_calls: [],
invalid_tool_calls: [],
usage_metadata: { input_tokens: 13813, output_tokens: 342, total_tokens: 14155 }

We can see in the additional_kwargs object that the API request did a few things:

  • Performed a search query, storing the result data in the searchQueries and searchResults fields. In the searchQueries field we see they rephrased our query for better results.
  • Generated three documents from the search query.
  • Generated a list of citations
  • Generated a final response based on the above actions & content.

API reference

For detailed documentation of all ChatCohere features and configurations head to the API reference:

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